Saturday, January 12, 2013

Waffle Fa Laffle

Tonight we had waffles. I love waffles. And since re discovering butter I enoy them even more. But something that I do not enjoy so much, the drippings. You know what I'm talking about right? The guts from your waffles. And what can you do with them? Clean it up? Yah, if you like burned fingers, be my guest! Leave it there, great then you have to scrub off the caked and baked on over spill. Real fun. Here is my solution. A paper plate. Sure you can use a regular plate or a cooking tray something like that. But then you still have to scrub off the mess.
I on the other hand finish my cooking, wipe off the side of the waffle iron, and then toss the evidence of my overly messing cooking experience. Paper plates are great. They are also handy in the microwave, as a splatter guard. Fantastic. Just toss when they get too dirty. You can use them as a make shift paint pallet, to catch the glue from your glue gun. I am quite sure the list could be endless. But have no fear I am not a total eco-hog. In this house we have a set of plastic plates that we use for big groups. And indecently they work great for waffles, big lip all the way around, no escaping syrup.

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