I remember as a teen I bought some glow in the dark plastic stars. My cousin and I then preceded to cover my entire ceiling with them. Jumping up off the bed to stick them, moving chairs, supporting and balancing each other as we accomplished our task. We possibly had a little too much fun and wrote the name of my high school crush in the stars. Possibly. I loved falling asleep under them watching them slowly fade into the darkness of my bedroom while I dreamed by the starlight they left, so very briefly.
I moved out of my back bedroom that had been converted from my dad's old shop room. Making way for my brother who took over the room, but still the stars stayed. He made room for my husband and I to be able to land for a bit, and I was able to show my high school sweet heart proof of my crazy crush. We moved out of that little bedroom and my next brother took hold of it, and the stars remain.
Not for any sentimental reason, mainly because it was time consuming to place them up there, and it will be just as time consuming to remove them. So the stars will keep their nightly watch in the back bedroom and the sister next inline will be able to fall asleep by starlight.
My son has develop a fond love of "stars" it's the first shape he can recognize and he gets very excited when he finds this shape. I borrowed a metal desk from my parents, to set a fish tank, and inside the drawer was one of the glow in the dark stars. Our boy was over joyed to find that little star. My sister was gracious to give me some of her old stars that she had taken off her ceiling, maybe those stars in the back bedroom won't be there much longer after all.
I rent. I will not take the time to stick a bunch of stars up to only remove in too short a time period, no matter how few they may be. But my son needs to sleep by star light! That's when I came up with this very simple but fun idea.
All you need is some paper lanterns, above, and some glow in the dark stars, below. Along with a hot glue gun, also below.
First thing I did was divide the stars up evenly so that I won't end up with one of those awkward looking 30 stars on this one, and 5 on that one. And the last thing I wanted to do was try and peel the stars off, that would lead to ripped lanterns, of which I do not wanna have to pay to replace them. These lanterns were a yard sale find, I paid one buck for three.
I focused mainly on the bottom with a few on the sides and none on the top of the lanterns. They hang above the crib so you don't see the top.
I know it's hard to see the stars, turns out white on white is a tricky thing to see. But I stepped into the closet with the lanterns and my son to show him what they do. The stars looked lovely in their glow-y-ness, but I'm pretty sure the kid had no idea what I was doing. "Crazy women in the closet..."
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