Friday, September 14, 2012

Diy cloth doubler

I recently made the switch to cloth diapers. After many attempts at potty training boy number one I wanted to make boy number two easier. And I had read different studies about how using cloth diapers make the transition easier. That and the initial up front cost is steep, you can quickly get your months worth out of them. I got my diapers from Sunbaby diapers, worked out to about five bucks per diaper. And they are great, but the need a little extra for the night time. After reading a few blogs I decided to make a doubler. 
It's really very simple. You need microfiber cloths ( I got these from Walmart six of them for Five bucks.) You will also need some scrap fabric. The fabric I used was from the flannel receiving blankets I have never really used. They are much too small for the size of baby we tend to have in this house. 
You will take the micro cloths and fold them into thirds, laying them down on to the flannel, with the loose side against the flannel. Pin them into place and cut to size. 
Then all you need to do is sew them together. Sewing down the center first. You can just do 5 individual lines, or you can sew so you have one line. Sew down the center then with your needle down and your foot up rotate the fabric clockwise. And sew again, when ever you get to a corner simple pivot and keep going. You will end up with two sets of loose strings instead of ten. 

Be sure to keep the flannel side next to your baby. The microfiber will dry their butt up. I did these four in 30 min or so, not the best quality sewing but I figure they won't see the light of day much, and if all they are going to do is catch poop why spend a lot of time and energy making them look amazing? 

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