Thursday, April 12, 2012

Diy Blocks

***This is one of my old post from another blog****
Well, I live in a small town and rumor has it we use to have a recycling plant (rumor is it burnt down thanks to the local youth) anyways I hate to waste, and when the nearest place to recycle is an hour away (and I never get out of town) I try to get creative with they things that would normal go to the trash. And with a new baby in the house it opens up a whole new world of things to create!
So today I would like to share how to take those old random small boxes or cartons and make something new! Enjoy!
1) find some small boxes, I will be using a carton (for soymilk)
2) place one carton inside the other (you can add some objects, buttons, beans, bells- so they make noises)
3) Push them together
4) gather some tissue paper, the shiny kind, tape, packaging tape and scissors
 5) wrap like you would a present and viola!
6) make sure you tape the edges down so little fingers don't undue what you've done!
7) stack, build and destroy!

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